
The National Animal Welfare Trust (NAWT) aims to provide the best possible advice and support to those requiring animal rehoming services in the communities we serve. NAWT is accountable to its staff, supporters, trustees, and the Charity Commission.

From time to time an individual or organisation may feel it has not had the best possible service that NAWT aims to provide. In such instances it is important that a complaint is made, the circumstances investigated, and necessary corrective action undertaken within reasonable time limits.


Anyone who is dissatisfied with any aspect of the work of NAWT should, in the first instance, speak directly with the onsite Manager to try and resolve the situation informally.

If the person making the complaint is not satisfied by the result of the above informal process, we would welcome them using the following more formal procedures:

Formal Complaints Procedure

Complete the NAWT complaints form at the bottom of this page and submit it. The form will automatically be sent to the Director of Administration, who will log the complaint and pass it to the relevant Senior Manager to investigate.

The responsible Senior Manager will reply to the complainant within twenty-one days of receipt of the complaint.

First Stage

1.1 Any formal complaint should be communicated to the Director of Administration, or to the Chief Executive if the complaint is about a director.
1.2 NAWT will acknowledge via email (identifying the complaint), receipt of the complaint within three working days.
1.3 The responsible Senior Manager shall investigate all circumstances leading to the complaint raised via the NAWT Complaints Form.
1.4 The responsible Senior Manager shall inform the complainant of the result of the investigation, and any corrective action taken. This will be completed within twenty-one days unless circumstances prolong the investigation, in which case an interim report will be made to the complainant and a new timescale set.

Second Stage

2.1 If the complainant is dissatisfied with the results of the enquiry and/or corrective action taken, they have a right to put their case to the Chief Executive of NAWT.
2.2 The Chief Executive shall undertake any further enquiries and report the decision to the complainant within thirty days.
2.3 The Chief Executive will provide the final escalation point and their decision is final.


The only occasions when we will not respond as per the above policy are when:

  • A complaint is illegible or incoherent
  • A complaint concerns an incident that occurred more than three months ago as it is very difficult to investigate these thoroughly
  • A complainant is being abusive or offensive
  • When a complaint is made anonymously
  • A complainant unreasonably pursues a matter that we have already fully responded to

    All complaints to NAWT will be fully recorded and a report made to the Trustee Board on any complaints dealt with via this procedure as part of the Board meeting agendas. A written record will be retained of complaints.

    Complaint Authorities

    NAWT is regulated by the Fundraising regulator and is committed to the highest standards in fundraising practices. If the complaint is regarding our fundraising and the complainant feels it has not been resolved by us, they can contact the Fundraising Regulator via their website or by calling 0300 999 3407.

    If the complaint is related to our charity work in general and the complainant is dissatisfied with the decision of the Chief Executive, they are able to contact The Charity Commission via their website or by calling 0300 066 9197.

    To proceed with a complaint to NAWT, please complete the below form so that we can deal with your complaint appropriately.

    Please note that in investigating your complaint, NAWT may require to provide any named persons with details of the complaint so as to give them a fair opportunity to respond.

    Complaints Form