Some of you may have seen the handsome Bryn on the NAWT Cornwall social media pages for a few weeks now, and to celebrate this beautiful boy heading home, the time has finally come to tell his story, and the message that it carries.

Not long before Christmas at around 10.30pm, on a routine check of the premises, the team noticed that through the dark 2 eyes looked back at us. At first we thought it may have been a fox or badger, as we regularly pick them up on our cameras! But upon closer inspection we saw it was a beautiful Lurcher, alone, tied to our fence and abandoned with nothing but a blanket and a bowl of water.

This is something which has thankfully only happened a handful of times in the many years we have been here, but it doesn't make it any less upsetting when it happens. It was an incredibly cold night and if we didn't do regular checks through the night this could have been a story with a very different ending.

The gorgeous boy was brought into our shelter and given a warm kennel, a jumper, bed, blankets, toys, food and water. He was incredibly scared and cold but grateful for our company. After some more checks through the night, the following morning it was decided that this handsome chap would be called Bryn (we are big Gavin and Stacey fans!)

Thankfully, after a couple of days of getting to know Bryn, slowly he began to see that we were only here to help him. He quickly went from a quiet, nervous boy to running zoomies around the paddock and becoming one of our cheekiest boys on the block! We wouldn't have you any other way Bryn!

As well as telling you Bryn’s story, we think there is an important message here. Bryn was cold and alone and on that night that poor boy’s world was turned upside down. But it doesn't have to be that way. Our centres all offer a warm and loving environment where the dogs in our care can learn, grow and thrive. We treat them as we would treat our own and love them all the same too. Bryn’s owner must have been in a desperate state, and thought they had nobody to turn to. But we would like to make it clear that we are here to help. It is what we do and it doesn't matter who you are or why you may need to rehome your pet, we do not judge anybody. We understand that these are difficult conversations to have and we are here to talk to you and help you. Do not ever feel like you cannot approach us. Sometimes life changes and tough decisions need to be made, but NAWT is here for you.