Double Donations Week – 4 weeks to go!

Here at NAWT, we are very excited because in just 4 weeks’ time, from the 29th of November until the 5th of December, all donations will be DOUBLED to help towards keeping our animals warm, happy, and healthy for Christmas.

This is a very important time for us, as your donations are currently more crucial than ever as our NAWT Bedfordshire centre is in desperate need of your help.

For the past 50 years, NAWT Bedfordshire has been a lifeline to thousands of homeless dogs who would have otherwise faced an uncertain future, frightened, vulnerable, and alone.  

However, the centre is now in need of a lifeline of its own, as the current animal facilities are slowly falling apart and are becoming unsalvageable. Without significant investment to install new accommodation, the centre will reach a point where it is no longer able to help homeless and abandoned animals.

Due to the poor condition of our existing dog kennels, the centre can only responsibly care for a maximum of four dogs at any one time, but there is now hope on the horizon.

A large sum of money has been pledged to the centre by a group of funders to create a matched funding campaign, which aims to raise £100,000 towards a brand-new kennel block. This money can be used to DOUBLE EVERY DONATION the charity receives between 29th November and 5th December 2022. For example, if you donate £5 during this Double Donations Week it will be worth £10 at no extra cost to you.

The new kennel block we hope to install, with your help, will have ten purpose-built kennels. These kennels will meet appropriate welfare standards, and hold double the capacity, to start helping some of the 55 dogs currently on their waiting list.

With so many homeless dogs waiting, it is imperative these new kennels are built to house them as soon as possible.  The waiting list is only going to grow over the coming months as the cost-of-living crisis impacts on pet owners.

Harley’s story is an example of why the new kennel block is so critical to our centre. You may have heard of Harley recently, as he is the face of our new spot-the-dog competition and is currently still waiting for a home.

Harley had a very difficult start in life, and we were so pleased that NAWT Bedfordshire was on hand to help him. He was living in sheltered accommodation with his previous owner, who was also homeless. But sadly, his human didn’t have an easy life either; he was battling his own struggles and would sometimes take his anger and frustration out on Harley, especially after he’d had a drink.

Harley’s living conditions were not ideal, as he spent most of his days scared, hungry and dirty with no where to turn to for help, until NAWT were able to rescue him.

His owner had decided he didn’t want to keep him anymore, but couldn’t afford to take Harley anywhere, so the animal care team came to collect him.

Harley was taken back to NAWT where he was finally able to run, bark and play like a puppy. Once done playing, he got to relax in a nice warm, cosy bed and when it was time to sleep for the night, he drifted off peacefully with a full belly.

These might sound like simple pleasures, but to Harley, it was so much more than that. It was a sign of brighter days ahead, and it’s worrying to think what could have happened if NAWT Bedfordshire wasn’t on hand to save him. 

Please give what you can to ensure that our much-needed Bedfordshire centre remains a part of the community, and so the new kennel block can continue to keep dogs like Harley warm and safe this Christmas.

Don’t forget, any donation you make between 29th November and 5th December will be DOUBLED, at no extra cost to you. It’s heart-warming to know, that by donating during Double Donations Week, your money will go even further and have DOUBLE the impact.