Barney (with Teddy)

  • 1 years 0 months, Male
  • Guinea Pig
  • Child friendly

    May be suitable for children

  • Size:
  • Outdoor pet

Meet Barney (with Teddy)!

Meet Teddy and Barney who are 1 year old bonded boys who are currently in foster care. Both boys are very friendly and are used to interacting with us humans. Teddy the Black and Brown lad is the more confident of the two, but Barney will soon follow his lead but can be a little more skittish. They love to play with toys running through tunnels and love their chew sticks and veggies. They did live with children in their previous home, and they have been used to living in outdoor accommodation. This time of the year extra bedding would have to be provided including a snuggle safe heat pad. They could live as indoor Guinea Pigs through the winter months.

If you are interested in giving the boys their forever home submit an interest form.