
  • 3 years 8 months, Male
  • Mini Lop
  • Child friendly

    May be suitable for children

  • Size:
  • Can live with others of same species

Meet Fergal!

Hi everyone, we are the awesome foursome Florence, Finley, Fergal and Flora! We are all very sweet mini lops, aged between 3 and 4 years old. We are each in our own bonded pairings - Finley and Flora, and Fergal and Florence but are also happy living together in a little colony! We are all neutered, vaccinated and microchipped.

Florence is the leader of the group and is the most confident, she loves a fuss and a groom but prefers not to be picked up.

Finley likes to come up and greet you when you come in to say hello and enjoys attention and treats!

Flora is the biggest sweetie and loves her bunny friends, she doesn’t love to be groomed but happy to have a fuss.

Fergal is the sassy rabbit out of the bunch and has a very sweet head tilt. He likes a fuss on his terms but would much prefer a treat.

We would love a home either together or in our bonded pairs, we will need plenty of space and would love the option of inside and outdoor living when it gets warmer. If you think you’ve got the time, accommodation and love for a sweet warren of bunnies then please get in touch!