
  • 0 years 6 months, Male
  • Guinea Pig
  • Child friendly

    May be suitable for children

  • Size:
  • Can live with others of same species
    Outdoor pet

Meet Percy!

Hello there, my name is Percy, and I am looking for my new forever home. I am currently living in a foster home whilst i wait for my forever home. I was living with Pedro but we weren't getting on with each other, and it was decided to separate us. There is still a possibility that i could live with another Guinea Pig with slow mixing.

I can be quite shy, but if i know there is food on offer i get a bit more confident! I will need my new family to take things slowly with me and earn my trust with lots of tasty vegetables!

We can live with children of any age, but all handling should be done on our level and must be supervised by an adult. We could live with other pets as long as we are securely housed, and we could live with other piggies too.

We will need accommodation that is at least 5ft x 2ft x 2ft, and additional levels do not count towards the size. We will also need a run or a play pen for exercise. If we are joining existing guinea-pigs then we will all need much bigger accommodation, but the team can advise on that. We currently live inside, so we will need to continue doing that in our new home as it is much too cold for us to move outside now!